Donate Now to Save Sight

Your gift before the 31st December will be used to provide education that will save New Zealanders’ sight. 

Macular degeneration is really common, yet many people don’t know about it until it is too late and they have lost their sight. 

With your help, MDNZ can support the 1 in 7 people over the age of 50 who will get macular degeneration and are at risk of losing their sight.

Your gift is more important now than ever. We need to reach people before it is too late.

Your donation will help New Zealanders to save their sight. 

Your gift, before the 31st December, will:

  • give people the tools and information to care for their eye health, and save their sight

  • provide much needed support for people living with macular degeneration.

  • make sure the voice of people living with macular degeneration is heard in our communities.

For over 10 years, MDNZ has helped thousands of people at risk of macular degeneration. MDNZ receives no government funding; but with the support of many generous donors, we can make a life-changing difference for people at-risk of blindness. 

Please give generously to help provide education that will save sight. 

Please donate today and your gift will be doubled to save sight for twice as many people.